Sunday, December 27, 2009

Scow status, December 27, 2009.

Went up to see the scow mid-afternoon today as I have not been to the construction site in some time. The tarped scow was under a lot of snow. It was -15 C (5 F) when the pictures were taken. The day was characterized by an icy fog the beautiful results of which can be seen on the tree branches in the background.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Perry was unable to do much more work on the scow after about November 10th, mostly due to weather and other priorities. Today (December 7th) it is definately winter here with bitterly cold lows of -33C! So no work will be done on the scow for some time now. We had a big blizzard and Perry says the scow is well and truly buried under a big snow drift but is safe under the big covering tarps. He might be able to do some small scale work in his work shop, but I think we can consider major construction on the scow suspended for at least 3 months. Over this time I will arrangle to have the scow tent constructed, crew tents made, get landowner permission to explore the badlands outcrops on their properties, give some public talks on the trip, buy some last supplies and equipment, and do a thorough census of all the tools and equipment for the trip which have been acquired over the past 6-7 years. These will be sorted by theme (i.e. kitchenware), brought together and boxed for the upcoming trip. Looks like we will leave in June, likely towards the end of the month so we can take advantage of snowmelt from the mountains and foothills. As much as I hate winter, I am hoping for one with lots of snow, so we have lots of water in the river for our trip.

Construction progress, November 6, 2009.

Perry has drilled the holes in the sides of the 4 sections which will hold the bolts that will hold the sections together.